Mudassir Mustafa


Product & Growth for Seed - Pre Series A startups

I work with B2B and B2C startups. I help them in finding PMF, GTM, and develop growth motions.

How I can help you

Matteo Fabbiani from behing coding
Whiteboard of wireframes ux ui
Notebook, laptop, espresso cup, and book on a desk
Notebook and laptop on a desk

Go To Market

The ultimate success to building any product is getting it in the hands of the right customers. At early stage, when you dont have a strong PMF, the best bet is to conduct lots of experiment and see what works. Then think about scale.

I help companies in developing a cost efficient GTM strategy that helps in finding the right audience.

Growth Loops

When you find a working GTM motion, ideally you would want to develop viral loops. The traditional funnel is broken and has a lot of limitations to it. Products that can develop the growth or viral loops tends to grow the fastest and have a much higher retention and stickiness to them. That is my forte.

Product Market Fit

My contrary take here is that most PMF are found by luck. So, you need to have a lot of luck here. But, the good part is that you can create your own luck by expanding your luck surface area. That beings with the right intent, right product, right audience and most importantly right channel.

Building GTM Teams

Your first GTM hire should be very different compared to your 10th Growth hire. At the beginning you might want to continue with a generalist but as you scale you need to find specialist. This is important for scaling and for optimizing the CAC.


Whats your engagement level in the company?

I usually work from 10-15 hours week with each company but if we both align on long term, I am more than happy to lead the team.

How quickly you can find product market fit?

There is not answer to this question. And I would suggest if anyone has an answer to this, please go ahead and work with them.

What’s your process?

I usually hit the ground running on week 2 of our engagement. I work with the leadership team, try to move fast and then share the results.

How much does it cost?

There is no price list. I usually charge $100/hr and some equity for long term projects. But, that vary from projects to projects.